Generating random data with R
Some times we need a random data set for Machine Learning or Data Science tests. Here’s a brief collection of random data generation code in R.
The quick way: runif()
generates random numbers: it requieres the number or values to return.
# Just a random number: a float value between 0 and 1
random_value <- runif(1)
# 10 numbers in a list
random_list <- runif( 10 )
# A data frame (column "Data")
random_df <- data.frame( Data=runif(10) )
Setting the value inteval
You can specify the random interval with max
and min
# 10 random numbers between 50 - 100
randoms <- runif( 10, min=50, max=100 )
- 69.5292674936354
- 90.2386948582716
- 72.3201019689441
- 55.271887825802
- 93.293529143557
- 71.0763963637874
- 94.5607772911899
- 65.7718844828196
- 82.5249472516589
- 58.4923235932365
Just enclose the runif
with as.integer()
# Random integers
ages <- data.frame( AGE=as.integer( runif(5, min=1, max=74) ) )
21 |
45 |
55 |
38 |
22 |
Random values on a time interval
The seq()
function: you can
generate random values for each time entry:
# A time sequence (days) between two dates
date_sequence <- seq( as.Date("2016/12/20"), as.Date("2017/1/5"), "days")
# The data frame
my_data <- data.frame(
Date = date_sequence,
Value = runif( length(date_sequence) ) )
Date | Value |
2016-12-20 | 0.41541707 |
2016-12-21 | 0.68279532 |
2016-12-22 | 0.04138726 |
2016-12-23 | 0.82534459 |
2016-12-24 | 0.12639527 |
2016-12-25 | 0.80020737 |
2016-12-26 | 0.88571625 |
2016-12-27 | 0.22996174 |
2016-12-28 | 0.54546891 |
2016-12-29 | 0.40647596 |
2016-12-30 | 0.73663513 |
2016-12-31 | 0.37449615 |
2017-01-01 | 0.26215537 |
2017-01-02 | 0.07069046 |
2017-01-03 | 0.47572083 |
2017-01-04 | 0.65177759 |
2017-01-05 | 0.43956374 |
Random date/time intervals
There’s a great response in Stack Overflow by Dirk Eddelbuettel about how to create a random temporal samples:
# This function requiers a number of time entries and a starting/ending time
random_dates <- function(N, start_date="1950/01/01", end_date="2000/12/31") {
start_date <- as.POSIXct( as.Date(start_date) )
end_date <- as.POSIXct( as.Date(end_date) )
diff_time <- as.numeric( difftime(end_date, start_date, unit="sec") )
elapsed_time <- sort( runif(N, 0, diff_time) )
start_date + elapsed_time
random_dates( 20 )
[1] "1951-03-22 01:20:09 CET" "1954-07-29 11:32:06 CET"
[3] "1959-05-28 07:27:11 CET" "1961-08-30 01:17:19 CET"
[5] "1962-09-24 10:31:39 CET" "1964-07-15 05:56:34 CET"
[7] "1969-11-20 09:33:35 CET" "1970-12-24 20:42:15 CET"
[9] "1973-02-06 07:39:12 CET" "1977-04-03 13:02:32 CEST"
[11] "1978-01-15 00:08:36 CET" "1979-02-11 03:01:08 CET"
[13] "1979-03-16 23:38:50 CET" "1982-01-16 21:49:48 CET"
[15] "1982-09-01 12:33:32 CEST" "1985-07-24 08:06:29 CEST"
[17] "1988-01-21 03:40:17 CET" "1988-11-16 22:51:04 CET"
[19] "1993-03-26 10:57:17 CET" "1997-05-15 09:18:19 CEST"
Random entries from a list
You can build a random selection of elements with sample()
# A list of names and family names
names <- c( "John", "Amy", "Mark", "Miranda", "James", "Mary")
family_names <- c( "Smith", "Jones", "Taylor", "Williams", "Brown" )
# Generate 20 names
people_sample <- data.frame( Name=paste(
sample( names, 20, replace=TRUE ),
paste0( sample( LETTERS, 20, replace=TRUE ), "."),
sample( family_names, 20, replace=TRUE ) ) )
Name |
Mark O. Jones |
John Y. Jones |
James O. Jones |
John Z. Brown |
Amy I. Williams |
Mary V. Williams |
Mary M. Brown |
Amy I. Smith |
Mary E. Taylor |
John B. Taylor |
John V. Williams |
Miranda V. Brown |
James Z. Smith |
Mary Z. Taylor |
Amy U. Williams |
Miranda Y. Williams |
Miranda N. Williams |
James Y. Brown |
Mary F. Taylor |
Amy Y. Taylor |
Putting all together: a fake user generator
Now let’s build a random data set.
The generate_users()
function will return a data frame with made-up user information.
# A list of names and family names
names <- c( "John", "Amy", "Mark", "Miranda", "James", "Mary")
family_names <- c( "Smith", "Jones", "Taylor", "Williams", "Brown" )
# Fake user generator
generate_users <- function( N, birthdate_start="1950/01/01", birthdate_end="2000/12/31" ) {
# Users name
people_sample <- data.frame( Name=paste(
sample( names, N, replace=TRUE ),
paste0( sample( LETTERS, N, replace=TRUE ), "."),
sample( family_names, N, replace=TRUE ) ) )
# Birth dates
start_date <- as.POSIXct( as.Date(birthdate_start) )
end_date <- as.POSIXct( as.Date(birthdate_end) )
diff_time <- as.numeric( difftime(end_date, start_date, unit="sec") )
elapsed_time <- sort( runif(N, 0, diff_time) )
birth_dates <- start_date + elapsed_time
# Height (normal distribution over the "mean")
heights <- rnorm(N, mean=69.7, sd=2)
# Weight (as a relation with the height)
weights <- heights * rnorm( N, mean=1.5, sd=0.02 )
# Build the complete data frame
user_data <- data.frame( Name=people_sample,
Weight=weights )
# Return the data
# test
users <- generate_users( 20 )
Name | BirthDate | Height | Weight |
Mary W. Taylor | 1952-07-30 20:00:49 | 70.68220 | 106.89455 |
James F. Brown | 1952-11-09 02:40:12 | 69.58180 | 106.38550 |
James N. Taylor | 1956-07-21 14:47:20 | 72.27035 | 109.25654 |
James W. Williams | 1959-01-23 01:10:51 | 75.84764 | 115.71886 |
James I. Brown | 1965-06-30 10:34:20 | 68.41527 | 103.00391 |
John J. Brown | 1968-05-07 23:31:09 | 69.67103 | 103.06098 |
Miranda F. Brown | 1970-09-05 09:00:40 | 66.05836 | 96.90736 |
Miranda W. Jones | 1972-05-13 05:44:06 | 68.77517 | 103.05811 |
Mary C. Smith | 1979-12-07 23:46:26 | 69.00136 | 105.93778 |
John S. Brown | 1981-04-27 02:48:33 | 69.22812 | 101.42435 |
Miranda M. Jones | 1981-12-28 18:10:59 | 66.24654 | 98.45287 |
Miranda J. Jones | 1984-11-02 01:33:38 | 70.65022 | 104.46331 |
Mark R. Taylor | 1987-01-23 05:59:04 | 68.29989 | 103.67119 |
Amy X. Williams | 1989-07-02 16:26:20 | 69.34222 | 105.75731 |
Amy M. Jones | 1991-06-09 07:58:51 | 71.99594 | 109.21450 |
Mary B. Taylor | 1997-07-11 18:28:11 | 68.09339 | 100.96932 |
Miranda B. Taylor | 1998-09-23 14:55:32 | 68.04952 | 102.17367 |
Amy X. Jones | 1999-05-19 15:16:13 | 71.58484 | 105.74813 |
Miranda J. Brown | 1999-09-02 18:14:03 | 67.60330 | 100.80424 |
Amy R. Jones | 2000-10-02 03:00:17 | 72.16646 | 106.96718 |